Cosmetic Dermatology


Dermabrasion, or surgical planing, is a method of improving the appearance of skin through the careful abrasion of old skin layers. The procedure uses a rapidly-rotating wire brush or a diamond wheel with rough edges (called a burr or fraise) to remove and level the upper layers of the skin. As the skin heals, new skin grows and replaces the damaged skin. Dermabrasion is most often used to improve skin on the face, particularly to remove acne scars and fine lines around the mouth. Read more...

The face is often the part of the body that shows the earliest signs aging. A person’s lifestyle, various activities and natural processes can all contribute into making the face look old and tired. In order to look younger and be more attractive, a lot of people undergo facelift surgery. The procedure, which adjusts the facial tissues and overlying skin, is one of today’s best methods to reverse signs of aging and give people a rejuvenated appearance.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a type of cosmetic treatment that treats of corrects various skin problems, as well as assisting in the removal of unwanted hair. IPL uses broad-spectrum high-intensity light pulses to penetrate and alter the skin. Harmful light wavelengths are filtered out during the treatment to minimize damage. IPL is recommended for people who don’t want to take invasive cosmetic procedures, such as facelift, but also can’t tolerate harsher treatments like laser resurfacing and dermabrasion.

Laser facial resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure done to remove the surface layers of facial skin by encouraging the growth of new skin. It is an advanced form of skin rejuvenation method that uses laser to “peel” the upper layer of the skin, and thus remove the cosmetic flaws on it, such as acne scars, wrinkles, sun-damaged skin and other age blemishes.

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical cosmetic and medical treatment that uses multiple injections into the middle layer of the skin to treat a variety of skin problems. Though the substances used differ for each practitioner, they normally include pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications, plant extracts, amino acids and vitamins. Mesotherapy has been known to reverse the signs of aging, eliminate cellulite, promote weight loss and eliminate localized fat deposits.

Nose reshaping using fillers is a fairly recent cosmetic procedure done to enhance the appearance of the nose through subtle improvements. It is non-invasive, causes minimal discomfort, and can be performed in a short time. Having gained the moniker “10-minute nose job”, nose reshaping has become one of the most requested cosmetic procedures today.

Permanent makeup is a cosmetic procedure that uses the application of permanent pigments (tattoos) designed to resemble makeup. The procedure is commonly taken to reduce the time used for putting on makeup, hide post-operative scars, and to maintain a made up look at all times. The procedure is also known under a variety of names, such as micropigmentation, dermagraphics, dermapigmentation and cosmetic tattooing.

Radiofrequency Skin Tightening is a recent type of treatment used to treat the early signs of aging. It is ideal for people whose facial skin can be improved but does not yet require intensive or surgical treatments. Radiofrequency skin tightening is mostly used to treat loose and sagging skin, but it may also treat other facial problems like wrinkles and acne scars. It can also be used to treat skin conditions in other areas of the body, such as the for cellulite reduction and lifting breasts and buttocks.

Stretch marks and cellulite are unsightly and are a common cause of embarrassment, especially for women. Stretch marks are often caused by pregnancy and weight loss, while cellulite is caused by fat deposits just below the surface of the skin. These conditions are estimated to occur to 90% of females and they don’t disappear unless treated. Thankfully, there are a variety of treatments for each.

Getting inked is a great way to show one’s personality, but over time a tattoo may not suit well in one’s person anymore. Fortunately, there are now different ways on how to remove a tattoo, each of which works in varying degrees. Individuals who want a tattoo removed should consult with a skin care specialist to know their options and which tattoo removal treatment would be best for them.