Dermatological Surgery

Cheek Augmentation

Cheek augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed intended to give a person more pronounced cheeks. There are two ways the cheek may be augmented: by placing a solid implant over the cheekbone, and by injecting fat or hyaluronic acid on the cheeks. Cheek augmentation is commonly combined with other surgical procedures, such as midface lift and browlift, to better enhance a person’s profile.

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

The eyes are perhaps the most attractive feature of the face. We naturally focus on it when we look at a person’s face, and we use it to judge his or her youth and vigor. The eyelids, although seemingly a small part, can greatly affect how the eyes look. Excess skin and fat on the eyelids can lend an aged and tired expression to a person’s face. Blepharoplasty is the procedure performed to lift up the eyelids and lend a more youthful appearance to a person’s face.

Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

The face is often the part of the body that shows the earliest signs aging. A person’s lifestyle, various activities and natural processes can all contribute into making the face look old and tired. In order to look younger and be more attractive, a lot of people undergo facelift surgery. The procedure, which adjusts the facial tissues and overlying skin, is one of today’s best methods to reverse signs of aging and give people a rejuvenated appearance.

Facial Fat Grafting

Facial fat transfer is the procedure of removing fat from other parts of the body and transferring it to key locations on the face to reduce facial signs of aging. It is most commonly used to fill in deep facial lines, nasolabial folds, and sunken eyes. It is minimally invasive and can be performed in conjunction with other cosmetic procedure, such as facelift and other types of facial cosmetic surgeries.

Facial Implants

Facial implants are non-resorbable, biocompatible materials that are surgically placed beneath the skin to enhance or augment the physical structure of the face. Facial implants can be of various types and sizes; they are typically placed on the cheek, chin and jaw. Implants improve a person’s appearance by adding volume to a drawn or weak area, and making the face more symmetrical.

Jaw Augmentation

Jaw augmentation, also known as mandibular augmentation, is the procedure of using either synthetic implants or injectable fillers to improve the structure of the jawline and make the face more prominent. The procedure can improve the balance and symmetry of the face, as well as provide it with an attractive frame. 

Jaw Reduction Surgery

A square jaw gives off a heavyset, masculine look that normally doesn’t suit a woman’s face. Women who don’t like having square, angular jaw can have it reduced by either of two ways: using Botox or through surgical jaw contouring. Botox can be injected to decrease the size of the muscles around the jaw (called the masseter muscle), while surgical contouring shaves off the jawbone to reduce its size and give it a more attractive shape.


The midface lift is a procedure performed to tighten the skin and muscles in the cheekbone area to improve its appearance. The full results of the procedure also include the removal of sagging cheeks and general improvement of the area around the lower eyelid, resulting in a younger, more attractive appearance. Being a relatively recent procedure, its procedure and technology still continue to evolve. It is an alternative to the traditional and more drastic full facelift.

Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)

Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping is a type of surgery performed to improve or correct the shape of the nose. Because it can dramatically enhance the attractiveness of the face, nose reshaping is one of the most popular types of cosmetic surgery, with thousands of men and women undergoing the procedure every year. Rhinoplasty is also commonly performed to correct impaired breathing caused by an injury or natural deformity.